Three Moons – Mainland Problem

Mainland Draft 2

Mainland Draft 2

I’ve encounter another snag, this time with the last two map designs for Three Moons. Looking at the above image, assuming you can decipher what colour means what, there’s nothing apparently wrong with it in my eyes, in fact I quite like how it turned out. However, once I add it to the overall map design the problem becomes more apparent. Continue reading

Three Moons – Isles Initial Design & Hero Tavern


Here’s my current design of the Isles region, although due to the overcompensation of the Misc area I mentioned last week I plan on expanding & altering this area a bit. Simply put, I want to keep the proportions I originally had between the Mainland & Isles about the same (12:9 to 16:12 areas of interest).

Isles First Draft

Isles First Draft

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Three Moons – Map Designs, about halfway there



This week I continued creating maps via GIMP based on my initial sketches & adding more detail as I went. What I have done so far is: Ziggurat, Outland, Highlands, & Crypt; as usual these can be found in the Three Moons section. Note that the final result will likely be slightly different from the images shown here (in fact I can’t help but contemplate what I’ll use to fill in those empty spaces). These designs will make do as a starting point to make sure I’ve got all the major parts sorted. Continue reading

First Warcraft 3 Map – Planning pt. 1


At first I was doing a bit of planning on the roguelike, trying to figure out a basic class hierarchy even though I told myself I would simply follow a tutorial. But after deciding on Warcraft as the other project I started doing “research” on existing Warcraft RPG maps & now I’m riding the Warcraft 3 wave again, but this time actually doing more productive work. I’ve started making a plan for my first proper Warcraft 3 map & have a basic idea of what the map will be like, though there are several details I’ll need to sort out first. Continue reading